Some patients can predict the kinds of events that will precipitate an attack while others are unaware of any relationship between onset of an attack and any particular situation in their lives.Īngina pectoris occurs more frequently in men than in women, and in older persons than in younger persons. Other herbal remedies that may help lower cholesterol include alfalfa ( Medicago sativa), fenugreek ( Trigonella foenum-graecum), Asian ginseng ( Panax ginseng), and tumeric ( Curcuma longa).Īngina pec´toris acute pain in the chest resulting from myocardial ischemia (decreased blood supply to the heart muscle) the condition has also been called cardiac pain of effort and emotion because the pain is brought on by physical activity or emotional stress that places an added burden on the heart and increases the need for blood being supplied to the myocardium. Although its effect on cholesterol is not as great as that achieved by medications, garlic may possibly be of benefit in relatively mild cases of high cholesterol, without causing the side effects associated with cholesterol-reducing drugs. Other studies have not shown significant benefit. Some studies have shown that adequate dosages of garlic can reduce total cholesterol by about 10%, LDL (bad) cholesterol by 15%, and raise HDL (good) cholesterol by 10%. One of the most recent popular treatments is garlic ( Allium sativum). Alternative medicine has proposed specific cholesterol-lowering treatments, with several gaining the attention and interest of the public. Both conventional and alternative medicine agree that increasing exercise and improving diet are important steps to reduce high cholesterol levels. Atherosclerosis, a major associated cause, requires diet and lifestyle adjustments, primarily including regular exercise, reduction of dietary sugar and saturated fats, and increase of dietary fiber. The USGS focuses its efforts on the long-term mitigation of earthquake hazards and by helping to improve the safety of structures, rather than by trying to accomplish short-term predictions.Once the angina has subsided, the cause should be determined and treated. The next large earthquake in China had no precursors and thousands of people died. However, this type of seismic activity is rarely followed by a large earthquake and, unfortunately, most earthquakes have no precursory events whatsoever. Many people chose to sleep outside of their homes and thus were spared when the main earthquake indeed occurred and caused widespread destruction. See: What is the difference between earthquake early warning, earthquake forecasts, earthquake probabilities, and earthquake prediction?Īn earthquake forecast was made in China several decades ago based on small earthquakes and unusual animal activity. Instead, if there is a scientific basis, a forecast might be made in probabilistic terms. Unfortunately, most such precursors frequently occur without being followed by an earthquake, so a real prediction is not possible. The so-called precursor is often a swarm of small earthquakes, increasing amounts of radon in local water, unusual behavior of animals, increasing size of magnitudes in moderate size events, or a moderate-magnitude event rare enough to suggest that it might be a foreshock. Predictions (by non-scientists) usually start swirling around social media when something happens that is thought to be a precursor to an earthquake in the near future. If an earthquake happens to occur that remotely fits their prediction, they claim success even though one or more of their predicted elements is wildly different from what actually occurred, so it is therefore a failed prediction.

(b) There will be a M2 earthquake on the west coast of the U.S. Their predictions are so general that there will always be an earthquake that fits such as, (a) There will be a M4 earthquake somewhere in the U.S.They do not define all three of the elements required for a prediction.They are not based on scientific evidence, and earthquakes are part of a scientific process. For example, earthquakes have nothing to do with clouds, bodily aches and pains, or slugs.Yes, some people say they can predict earthquakes, but here are the reasons why their statements are false: USGS scientists can only calculate the probability that a significant earthquake will occur ( shown on our hazard mapping) in a specific area within a certain number of years.Īn earthquake prediction must define 3 elements: 1) the date and time, 2) the location, and 3) the magnitude. We do not know how, and we do not expect to know how any time in the foreseeable future. Neither the USGS nor any other scientists have ever predicted a major earthquake.